Morea Framework
Easily generate educational websites organized by Modules, Outcomes, Readings, Experiences, and Assessments.

Modules, not courses
The fundamental unit of instruction in Morea is a module, not a course. This creates opportunities for fine-grained curricular dependencies and composition.

Remix and mashup curriculum
Morea makes it easy to combine curriculum across your own and other Morea courses, creating new opportunities for inter-, cross-, and trans-disciplinary instruction.

No walled garden
All Morea sites have a public, open access interface, making curriculum content discoverable and available.

Make the pedagogy visible
Morea implements a pedagogical pattern: a course is a sequence of Modules, each with one or more learning Outcomes, Readings, Experiences, and Assessments.

Simplified development
Morea is based on GitHub, which provides helpful infrastructure for iterative development, deployment, and long-term evolution of curriculum.

Focus on content, not styling
Morea leverages Jekyll and Bootstrap to build modern, responsive websites that display well on laptops, tablets, and smart phones. Write content in Markdown, not HTML!