Module: Ethics in Software Engineering

Ethics: A group of moral principles or values that define or direct us to the right choice.

Dates: Mon, Jul 26 - Fri, Jul 30

Learning Outcomes

Behave ethically as a software engineer


Guided tour of the ethics module

Overview of the ethics module

What do we mean when we talk about ethics?

Definition of ethics, ethics in software engineering, personal vs. professional ethics

ACM Code of Ethics

This Code identifies a commitment to ethical professional conduct through 24 statements of personal responsibility.

ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

This Code contains eight Principles related to the behavior of and decisions made by professional software engineers.

Experiential Learning

E08: What are the professional codes of software engineering ethics?

How do professional codes help us to be ethical in our working lives?

E09: Doing good as a software engineer

How can software engineers contribute to the good life for others?

E10: Doing harm as a software engineer

What kinds of harm can software engineers cause? What kinds can they prevent?


A03: Assess your ability to reason about ethical issues in software development

What would you do under pressure?

Outcome(s) assessed: Behave ethically as a software engineer