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Morea index markdown files

The MoreaGenerator plugin processes the morea/ directory but doesn't control the layout and appearance of the site. That part is done outside the morea/ directory, primarily through a set of files illustrated below:

You can see that there is a top-level file (below favicon.ico) which becomes the home page for the site. Then, there are five directories (modules, outcomes, readings, experiences, assessments) each with their own file. Each of these files gets processed by Jekyll to produce the corresponding page in the site.

Most of the files have a very similar structure. Here's the one from the readings directory:

layout: default
title: Readings
{% include breadcrumb-2.html %}

<div class="container">
<h1>Readings <small class="header-small">"Passive" learning opportunities</small></h1>

{% if site.morea_overview_readings %}
<div class="container">
{{ site.morea_overview_readings.content | markdownify }}
{% endif %}

{% for module in site.morea_module_pages %}
{% if module.morea_coming_soon != true and module.morea_readings.size > 0 %}
<div class="{% cycle 'section-background-1', 'section-background-2' %}">
<div class="container">
<h2><small>Module:</small> <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ module.module_page.url }}">{{ module.title }}</a></h2>
<div class="row">
{% for page_id in module.morea_readings %}
{% assign reading = site.morea_page_table[page_id] %}
{% include entity-card.html url=reading.morea_url title=reading.title summary=reading.morea_summary labels=reading.morea_labels %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Basically, the MoreaGenerator has updated the site hashmap with key value pairs providing access to the various Morea instances. So, for example, site.morea_module_pages provides a list of all the Morea modules found during generation. In this page, we cycle through all of the modules and print out the readings associated with each module (that has readings).