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Local installation

To develop your custom course content, you need to install three tools on your computer: (a) a git client so you you can download and upload the GitHub repository containing your site's files, (b) an editor so you can edit your source files, and (c) Jekyll so you can build your site locally during development.

Install GitHub Desktop (or another git client)

If you are using MacOS or Windows, the easiest way to manage your Morea repositories is with GitHub Desktop.

Basic use of Morea does not require any advanced capabilities of git: you can do all of your development in a single (main) branch.

If you are using Linux, then you will need to install a different git client. If you are using Linux, you probably know this already and already have a git client installed.

Install an editor

You cannot use a word processor like Microsoft Word to edit Morea files. Instead, you need a text editor such as Emacs, Vim, IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atom, or similar.

Please be sure to have one text editor available to you.

Install Jekyll

The final step is to install Jekyll. Jekyll runs on all platforms.

To verify that you've installed Jekyll correctly, please go through the Jekyll Quickstart instructions to be sure that you can create a simple Jekyll site and run it on your computer.