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Morea entity types

This section documents the structure and behavior of the five Morea entity types.


Modules are represented by a markdown file where the Front Matter defines the structure of the module and the body of the file (typically a sentence or two) summarizes the module contents.

Here's an example Module markdown file:

title: "Learn to Foo"
published: true
morea_id: foo
- outcome1
- reading1
- experience1
- assessment1
morea_type: module
morea_icon_url: /morea/foo/logo.png
- required
- intro
morea_sort_order: 1
morea_start_date: "2015-06-15"
morea_end_date: "2015-06-22"
Provides everything you need to know to learn to Foo.

Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of the module. The module title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the module is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, the module will appear in the output. If false, the module will not appear. Default: true
morea_coming_soonoptionalIf true, the module name will appear in the Modules page with a "Coming soon" button that does not link anywhere. Any outcomes, readings, experiences, and assessments defined for the module will not appear in the associated top-level pages. However, the module page can still be retrieved by entering its URL manually. This parameter is useful during early course deployment where you want to indicate to students the set of topics in the course and their sequence but have not yet finished the internal structure of certain modules. Default: false
morea_prerequisitesoptionalIf present, a list of Morea IDs indicating the Prerequisites associated with this module.
morea_outcomesoptionalIf present, a list of Morea IDs indicating the Outcomes associated with this module.
morea_readingsoptionalIf present, a list of Morea IDs indicating the Readings associated with this module.
morea_experiencesoptionalIf present, a list of Morea IDs indicating the Experiences associated with this module.
morea_assessmentsoptionalIf present, a list of Morea IDs indicating the Assessments associated with this module.
morea_icon_urloptionalIf present, the URL of the icon appearing with this module in the modules/ page. For best effect, the icon image should be square.
morea_summaryoptionalIf present, a short string that will appear in the tile representing the module in the Modules page. If absent, then the module body text (see below) will be used in the tile.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges on the page.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published modules for presentation from low to high. Defaults to zero.
morea_start_dateoptionalIf present, a string that indicates the date (and potentially the time) where this module should be placed on the calendar on the Schedule page. Example: "2015-06-25" indicates June 25, 2015, and "2015-06-15T18:30" indicates 6:30pm on June 15, 2015. You can specify a start date without an end date.
morea_end_dateoptionalIf present, a string that indicates (along with the start date) the duration associated with this module on the calendar on the Schedule page. Example: "2015-06-25" indicates June 25, 2015, and "2015-06-15T18:30" indicates 6:30pm on June 15, 2015. If you specify an end date, you should specify the start date as well.

If morea_summary does not appear in the module's Front Matter, then the module body text will appear both in the tile and at the top of the page describing the module in full.

Alternatively, you can provide a short string as the morea_summary, and significantly more text as the module body text. In this case, the summary string will appear in the tile and the module body text will appear at the top of the page describing the module.


Each outcome represents knowledge or capability that the educator hopes the students will acquire as a result of the module or modules in which this outcome appears.

Here's an example Outcome markdown file:

title: "Remember concepts of asymptotic growth."
published: true
morea_id: outcome-growth
morea_type: outcome
morea_sort_order: 30
- "Bloom: Remember"

Learn the concepts of asymptotic growth and recognize them in context.

Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of this outcome. The outcome title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the outcome is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, the outcome will appear in the output. If false, the outcome will not appear. Default: true. Note: if an outcome is not referenced by at least one module, it will not appear in the output even if published is true.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges in this outcome's description.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published outcomes for presentation from low to high in the outcomes/ page. Defaults to zero.

In an outcome definition, the text following the Front Matter describes the outcome. This text appears both in all of the Module pages referring to this outcome, as well as on the Outcomes page.


Each reading represents a "passive" learning opportunity associated with the module. There are two types of readings:

  1. Readings in which the material is "inline", as the body text associated with the file.
  2. Readings in which the material is "online", and the Front Matter provides a link to that material.

Whether or not the reading is "inline" or "online" depends upon whether the keyword morea_url appears in the Front Matter. Here are examples of each:

title: "Chapter 3 Notes"
published: true
morea_id: reading-notes-3
morea_summary: "Introduction to asymptotic analysis"
morea_type: reading
morea_start_date: "2015-06-15T18:30"
morea_sort_order: 9
- Notes

## Outline

1. Intro to Asymptotic Analysis
2. Big-O
3. Omega
4. Theta

(remaining inline reading material deleted)

And here's an example of a reading file where the reading is an external URL:

title: "CLRS 3 - Growth of functions"
published: true
morea_id: reading-cormen-3
morea_summary: "Asymptotic notation, standard notation, and common functions."
morea_type: reading
morea_sort_order: 8
morea_start_date: "2015-06-15T18:30"
- Textbook
- 22 pages

Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of this outcome. The outcome title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the outcome is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, the reading will appear in the output. If false, the reading will not appear. Default: true. Note: if an reading is not referenced by at least one module, it will not appear in the output even if published is true.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges in this reading's description.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published reading for presentation from low to high in the reading/ page. Defaults to zero.
morea_urloptionalIf present, specifies the URL of a reading. To refer to internal pages, the string must start with '/morea/' and continue with the path to the page. To refer to external pages, the string should start with 'http'. If this parameter is absent, then the body text of this file is the reading.
morea_start_dateoptionalIf present, a string that indicates the date (and potentially the time) where this reading should be placed on the calendar on the Schedule page. Example: "2015-06-25" indicates June 25, 2015, and "2015-06-15T18:30" indicates 6:30pm on June 15, 2015. You can specify a start date without an end date, and this typically indicates the "Due date" for this reading.

When the morea_url keyword is provided to specify the URL, then no body text need appear. When the morea_url keyword is absent, then the body text should be the intended reading.


Each experience represents an active learning opportunity associated with the module. Experiences appear as the body text of the file.

Here's an example Experience markdown file:

title: "Asymptotic concepts"
published: true
morea_id: experience-asymptotic-concepts
morea_type: experience
morea_summary: "Practice analysis of functions"
morea_start_date: "2015-06-15T18:30"
morea_sort_order: 1
- In class

## Asymptotic Concepts


Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of this experience. The experience title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the outcome is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, the experience will appear in the output. If false, the experience will not appear. Default: true. Note: if an experience is not referenced by at least one module, it will not appear in the output even if published is true.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges in this experience's description.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published experience for presentation from low to high in the experiences/ page. Defaults to zero.
morea_start_dateoptionalIf present, a string that indicates the date (and potentially the time) where this experience should be placed on the calendar on the Schedule page. Example: "2015-06-25" indicates June 25, 2015, and "2015-06-15T18:30" indicates 6:30pm on June 15, 2015. You can specify a start date without an end date, and this typically indicates the "Due date" for this experience.

Experience body text

The body text should describe the experience in markdown format.


Each assessment represents the results of some activity intended to determine whether or not the students have acquired the knowledge and/or capabilities intended by the module's readings and experiences.

Assessments appear as the body text of the file, typically as charts. We recommend that you publish the assessment results in a manner that preserves student anonymity.

For each assessment, you can provide a list of outcomes that the assessment checked. This list of outcomes will be listed with the assessment, and the assessment will appear with the outcome.

Publishing assessment results has a number of benefits:

  • Students get a sense for both how they are performing relative to others during the course.
  • Students understand how the educator is attempting to assess the learning associated with the module.
  • Assessment results become part of the "public record" associated with the module, facilitating future modification and improvement of the assessment technique.

To present assessment results as charts, you can include Javascript directly in the markdown file, as illustrated in the following example:

Here's an example Assessment markdown file:

title: "Ability to recall asymptotic concepts"
published: true
morea_id: assessment-asymptotic-concepts
morea_type: assessment
morea_sort_order: 1
- outcome-technical-writing
- "Bloom: Remember"

Assessed ability to remember asymptotic concepts through an in-class multiple choice exam:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="well">
<div id="assessment" style="height: 250px;"></div>

element: 'assessment',
hideHover: false,
data: [
{ y: 'Very satisfactory (%)', num: 15 },
{ y: 'Satisfactory (%)', num: 55 },
{ y: 'Unsatisfactory (%)', num: 25 },
{ y: 'Absent (%)', num: 5 },
xkey: 'y',
ykeys: ['num'],
resize: true,
labels: ['Students']

Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of this outcome. The outcome title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the outcome is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, this entity will appear in the output. If false, this entity will not appear. Default: true.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges in this assessment's description.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published assessments for presentation from low to high in the assessments/ page. Defaults to zero.
morea_start_dateoptionalIf present, a string that indicates the date (and potentially the time) where this assessment should be placed on the calendar on the Schedule page. Example: "2015-06-25" indicates June 25, 2015, and "2015-06-15T18:30" indicates 6:30pm on June 15, 2015. You can specify a start date without an end date, and this typically indicates the "Due date" for this assessment.
morea_outcomes_assessedoptionalIf present, a list of outcome morea_ids which are checked by this assessment.

The body text should describe the assessment in markdown format.


It is possible to define Prerequisite modules, or modules from another Morea site (or within the current site) whose material should be mastered prior to starting this module.

As with all other "tiles" in Morea sites, these can be clicked to go to the corresponding module.

There are two steps to using Prerequisite modules. First, you must define them, and second, you must reference them in another module as a Prerequisite.

Here's an example Prerequisite markdown file to reference a module in a different Morea site.

title: "Algorithms"
published: true
morea_id: 141-algorithms
morea_type: prerequisite
- ICS 141
Algorithms, computational complexity, asymptotic notations, pseudocode, greedy algorithms, easy vs. hard problems.

If you want, you can create Prerequisites to point to modules in the current site. Here's an example:

title: "Python and Jupyter"
published: true
morea_id: prerequisite-python-jupyter
morea_url: /modules/python-jupyter
morea_icon_url: /morea/python-jupyter/python-logo.jpg
morea_type: prerequisite
This module provides recommended readings and introductory tutorials on Python and Jupyter.

Here's the documentation for those fields:

morea_idrequiredA symbol (letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores) identifying this Morea entity. Morea IDs must be unique. The Morea compiler will terminate with an error if it encounters two markdown files containing the same Morea ID.
titlerequiredA string indicating the title of this outcome. The outcome title appears in all of the top-level pages whereever the outcome is referenced.
publishedoptionalIf true, the outcome will appear in the output. If false, the outcome will not appear. Default: true. Note: if an outcome is not referenced by at least one module, it will not appear in the output even if published is true.
morea_labelsoptionalIf present, a list of strings that appear as badges in this outcome's description.
morea_sort_orderoptionalIf present, an integer used to sort the set of published outcomes for presentation from low to high in the outcomes/ page. Defaults to zero.
morea_urlrequiredThe URL to the location where the prerequisite module page can be retrieved.
morea_icon_urlrequiredThe URL to the location where the icon associated with this module page can be retrieved.

The body text should describe the prerequisite in markdown format. It will appear in the tile, so should be relatively concise.